Caern Totem

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ST Death
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Caern Totem

Post by ST Death »

Totem of Wisdom


Dragonfly is ancient, older even than the first shifters, the Lizard Kings. He was born when the world was young, and with those magnificently prodigious compound eyes of his, he has witnessed every age of Gaia. He carries those memories with him, imparting some of this important knowledge and wisdom to his best children.

He is a fierce predator, using his skill and agility, not to mention those four, elegant and elongated membranous wings, to master the air. He has come to stand for many different things to many people, but he keeps his true nature a closely guarded secret, hidden behind a myriad of colorful guises.

Dragonfly has, over the millennia, encouraged these strange and erroneous ideas about him -- like 'The Devil's Darner', 'The Water Witch', and 'Snake Doctor' -- in order to safeguard that true nature of his. Therefore, he is very particular about his children, and only truly trustworthy garou will find favor with him.

He is ever watchful for prey or threats, but his stillness explodes into swift actions as he pounces. He asks her children to show patience and deliberation, but to act swiftly and decisively when a decision is reached.

Dragonfly requires that his children look after his young, keeping the ponds and streams where he breeds clean, pure and free of any insecticides. Like most insect spirits, Dragonfly loathes these Wyrm and Weaver tainted poisons. Not only do they kill his children, they kill the insects he preys on. His garou children must not ever use them, and they must work to keep them from being used whenever they can.

Children of Dragonfly, once a year in the spring, must undergo a metamorphosis. First, the garou must make some personal change in either their appearance or their personal life. It can be as simple as a hairstyle or as profound as a new name, but it must be a sincere effort.

Children of Dragonfly are compelled to wear something, or accessorize in some way by using vibrant colors. This does not mean they dress in loud plaid pants and Hawaiian shirts, but at least one aspect to their appearance will be bright, vivid, and draw attention. Some children of Dragonfly like to get tattoos using bright reds, greens and blues---many even use his likeness.
You get what anyone gets; you get a life time.
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