Hell Hath No Fury (Garou/Kin)

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Hanan Nagi
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Hell Hath No Fury (Garou/Kin)

Post by Hanan Nagi »

Shadowfriend wrote:She took a deep breath. "This one was on patrol. Smelled smoke and too-strong alcohol nearby when near southwestern edge of bawn, came in to investigate because smoke should not be smelled there."

Her teeth bared then. "Found Caoimhe-kin at house near training grounds, where shrine to Volcano is, and house was on fire. Caoimhe-kin just watching it." Anger was still in her voice. "Asked what she was doing, said she was 'purging clean cursed house', blaming house for 'Pride Before the Fall', 'Giving Tree', 'Thrice Bound' leaving."

The Uktena stopped for a second and inhaled again, and on the exhale she spouted, "But is not fault of house, housing this one make use of for guests to bawn. Is fault of Pride for his wounded pride; is fault of 'Giving Tree' for her ignorance; is fault of 'Thrice Bound' for.... for...."

Then she snapped, "Caoimhe-kin not only one hurt, but Caoimhe-kin take her hurt to others. Set fire to this one's bawn, to house that is not hers. Disrespected this one as Keeper; attacked caern through willful fire-setting without any warning to Keeper or Guardian who let her on bawn; endangered any who may have called assaulted house home while settling on or visiting bawn."

"This one is angry. Angry with kin for attacking caern with element as unpredictable as fire. Angry with kin for not speaking of intent first, for not giving this one chance to understand or to sway differently. Angry with kin for thinking she have right to make decision made when was not hers to destroy."
Caoimhe wrote:Caoimhe takes a deep breath.

"I admit to letting my anger cloud my judgement, but I did check the house for anyone in it, or any belongings - and I made a point to move the volcano shrine out. I cleared the area of debrit around the structure so the flames wouldn't have fuel to spread. In short, I made sure to take away the variables that would keep me from being able to fully control the flames. And then I lit the place on fire.
Shit... when I say it that way, it sounds premeditated and like I meant it as an attack - but I swear, I didn't. Well, not an attack on Shadowfriend or her bawn.

I'm fucking pissed at Conall for ditching me without a word. I wanted to strike out at him without hurting anyone else - I thought getting rid of the house where Haakon and Taz and Conall all lived at one point would help break the pattern. I know it's not the house's direct fault that they all lived there - but it's still a pattern and it's still a sick one and so I did what I do - what my heritage encourages me to do - I struck out at the pattern, even if it was just at the symbol from that pattern, because even taking out the symbol can losen the webs and cut the strings weaving the pattern.

This is the first bawn I've ever been allowed on before. Shadowfriend telling me that I attacked her bawn because I didn't talk to her as Keeper first was the first time I'd ever heard I needed to talk to the Keeper about stuff - I didn't talk to the keeper when I installed the Rat Shrine or the Bridgit shrine, maybe other did - I dunno. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to make excuses. If the rule is that I should have talked to her, than my ignorance of the rule doesn't excuse things and I fucked up. I let my anger get the best of me and I acted without thinking all the way through.

I'm sorry about that. I really am. I'll do whatever it is that I need to do to fix it, or make reparations or whatever the word is that I don't know - or I'll stay away from the bawn if you say I need to. But I swear to you all, I had the fire under control. The only thing in danger from the flames was the house I was burning. As soon as she told me to put out the fire, I did."

Her tone is full of emotion and pain, but she tries to keep it in check even though tears and yelling both threaten to overtake her at some points.

At the end of things she looks between Dani and Cletus and then hangs her head in tired resignation.
Hanan Nagi wrote:"By the nature of the Litany, it is Garou who are held to it."

"However, traditionally it is taught to kinfolk of the Nation so that they have a means through which to avoid angering the Garou around them, to protect themselves from the sometimes volatile nature of Rage through the invocation of 'respect those beneath' and 'accept an honorable surrender'."

She lifts a hand to indicate around them. "And it is true- our caerns are our holiest of places."

"As such,"
she begins, shifting her focus most directly to Dani, as Alpha. "What I propose is enacting a ruling from this situation that kinfolk who visit the bawn must be educated in the Litany and must acknowledge that they will abide it while on these grounds. Those who do not know it; or who choose to not practice the tenets of submission to those of higher station, respecting the territory of another- such as in cases of respecting or submitting to the authority of a caern officer- or, most importantly, the prevention of violation of a caern, would therefore not be allowed onto the bawn until they have been taught and agreed to the observation of the Litany."

"This would remedy ignorance while ensuring the kinfolk who frequent the caern are protected from the Rage of the Garou around them by ensuring they are not behaving in a way that would disrespect Garou on their holiest grounds and by reminding Garou of the tenets best applied to kin of the Nation."

She acknowledges, "Both individuals in this situation have their own reasons for feeling as they do. In their own minds, they behaved appropriately. I would not place punishment in this situation and would instead best see it used as a learning experience for both the involved individuals and for our caern. Ignorance is not bliss."

"For education of kinfolk who wish to learn the Litany, I could suggest either our Den Parent, as their role is to educate; or the Tribal Elder of the kin's Tribe, for Tribal understanding of the Litany. Or both, if such suits preference."
She is continuing to address Dani; she has weighed the situation as a Philodox, and she is presenting her recommendation to the Alpha because such a recommendation extends beyond the immediate.
Dani wrote:"I will accept the recommendations." She looked to Shadowfriend and then to Cletus to ensure they were alright with the outcome as well.
[+] OOC
(Summarized conclusion: Kinfolk who visit the bawn must be educated in the Garou Litany and promise to abide by it while they are on caern grounds. This is for their safety, and to preserve the Garou's ability to be themselves in their holiest of places.

Kinfolk who are not educated in the Garou Litany- or who will not agree to abide by it while on the caern- are not allowed on the bawn until they have been taught the Litany and agree to observe its tenets.

Kinfolk who are uneducated in the ways of the Litany but wish to learn it may seek such education through the Den Parent- whose duty is to educate- or through their Tribal Elder- whose duty is to oversee the well-being of their Tribe's kinfolk.)
Hanan Feathers-of-Hidden-Truth Nagi | Alpha of Crow's Talons
Fostern | Silent Strider | Lupus | Eldest Philodox | Master of the Challenge
Appearance 3 | Charisma 4 (Genteel) | PB 1 (Silent Strider) | Rage 3 | Left-handed
Resigned Spirit | Pied Piper | Crow Pendant | Bear Torc (right arm) | Wolf Torc (neck)

Formerly known as Sees-Shapes-in-Shadows | (OOC) | Romani
Butterfly Companion | Followed by a small Crow in the Umbra when alone

"It is what it is. Isn't that how these things always go? They are what they are. We just get to cope." - Mira Grant
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